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About CARE Puthiyangadi

CARE(council of assistance for radiant empowerment ) Puthiyangadi is dedicated to supporting the education and career growth of students. We celebrate achievers and educate them on the latest developments in employment and education. Our programs are designed to enhance the educational and vocational skills of local students, guiding them towards both academic and vocational success.

Supporting education and career growth

  • Our Vision

    To be a leading force in empowering students through education and career development, ensuring they achieve their fullest potential.

  • Our Mission

    To provide comprehensive educational support, scholarships, and career guidance to students, fostering their growth and preparing them for successful futures.

Our History

Care Puthiyangadi operates under the UBM Madrasa in Puthiyangadi. Since our inception, we have focused on enhancing the educational and vocational skills of local students. Our aim is to guide them towards both academic and vocational education, preparing them for future success.